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LOCK-DOWN diaries:                                

Hello world !!  Good morning
                        Lock-down- it became a fear to many people in the world .The world has changed dramatically in these three months. A rare disaster, Coronavirus pandemic, has resulted in a tragically large number of human lives being lost. As countries implement necessary quarantines and social distancing practices to contain the pandemic, the world has been put in a Great Lock-down. it not only affect our daily life but helped in the change of our lifestyle too.With key sectors like aviation, tourism, manufacturing, retail and automobiles already facing the full economic effects of the pandemic, several industry bodies have urged the government to provide sector-specific relief packages, as they face severe cash crunches.Daily workers , delivery boy , and many other small businesses have been in a way to shutdown due to this lock down. Well Developed countries like AMERICA could not handle the situation under control. so i will recomend some of the pros and cons to overcome this situations :

  • Avoid gathering of people ( better to stay at home and enjoy your time)
  •  Wash your hand regularly.
  • Wear mask before going out.
  • Wash the clothes after coming from outside.
  • Keep doing yoga and pranayams to boost your immunity power.
  • Try to be creative and spent more to achieve your dream in this quarantine. 


                                                     STAY SAFE . STAY HOME



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