Can Dettol hand wash is mix with white alcohol? , can it remove Corona Virus? , disinfectant , antiseptic , how to use dettol, dettol sanitisers

9th June 2020                                                         

Dettol is a antiseptic liquid. it is used  for skin disinfection and cleaning surgical instruments, Terpineol which is a monoterpene alcohol that has been isolated from variety of sources such as cajuput oil, pine oil, and petotgrain oil. and isopropyl alcohol.

Dettol contains several oil products that must be mixed with alcohols to keep them from forming a milky looking mixture in the bottle. When you add the Dettol to water, the capacity of the alcohols to dissolve the oils into a higher volume of clear liquid is over reached and the oils form their usual milky white mix with the water. Since this is seen as a sign that the disinfectant is ready to use, and releases the characteristic odor of the terpenoids that form the majority of the oils in the Dettol, it is now seen as desirable. Dettol is an intermediately effective antibacterial, with few side effects, although it can cause skin irritation if left in contact in full strength or for long periods of time. It is toxic to ingest in large amounts, so don't drink it.

 Uses of dettol:
Chloroxylenol is used in hospitals and households for disinfection and sanitation. It is also commonly used in antibacterial soaps, wound-cleansing applications and household antiseptics such as Dettol liquid , cream and ointments.

Side effect of using dettol:

Chloroxylenol is not significantly toxic to humans, is practically non-toxic to birds, and is moderately toxic to freshwater invertebrates. It is highly toxic to fish,cat and some amphibians and should not be used around them. It is a mild skin irritant and may trigger allergic reactions in some individuals.

 Advantages of using dettol:

  • Cleanses & helps protect against infection from cuts, scratches & insect bites.
  • Kills germs on household surfaces.
  • For use as a gentle antiseptic on the skin. Also suitable as a household disinfectant.
  • To feel refreshed and really clean, 30ml of Dettol Liquid may be used safely in the bath.
  • To freshen linen, nappies or other laundry items add 30ml of Dettol Liquid to the rinse cycle.


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